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Tasha Hart, Affiliate Broker

(615) 480-0098

Tasha Hart was born in Terre Haute, Indiana however she has lived in Tennessee for over 20 years. Tasha has an Associate in Biblical studies and communication.

She has consulted hundreds of organizations in achieving their non-profit 501(c)(3) status and using that experience to impact her community. Tasha has won various speaking awards including first place in the 2020 District 43 Toastmasters Speech Evaluator contest and has earned her Distinguished Public Speaking Award.

Currently Tasha is the author of several books including one Children’s book where all the proceeds support mission projects in Africa. Tasha has extensive experience in communications and leadership development and enjoys speaking on both topics when given the opportunity. Her focus on the family and community makes her extremely passionate about helping others find their fit in a place they can call home.

Tasha currently resides in Jackson, TN with her husband and First Responder, Captain Chad Hart of the Jackson Fire Department. They have three adult children between them with a large dog on the way.

Contact Tasha Hart